Barry Barnett

Member Information

Name Barry Barnett
Gender Male

Best Times

Distance Race Name Race Type Date Time Position
10 miles Great South Run Road 15/10/2023 01:42:22 9073rd
10km Thame Road 30/06/2024 00:58:44 574th
50km Race to the Stones Ultra 08/07/2023 09:15:56 298th
Half Marathon Milton Keynes Road 06/05/2024 02:23:51 1617th
Marathon Brighton Road 07/04/2024 05:31:12 9904th

Filter Results

Race Results for Barry Barnett in 2024

Race Name Distance Category Finish Time Finish Position
Cliveden 10km 01:08:09 277th
St Albans Summer Solstice 10km 01:00:05 314th
Thame 10km 00:58:44 574th
Milton Keynes 10km 01:00:47 335th
Milton Keynes Half Marathon 02:23:51 1617th
Brighton Marathon 05:31:12 9904th