Welcome to Bearbrook Running & Triathlon Club
Latest News
Useful Links
Other Links
Bearbrook 10k Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Bearbrook-Running-Club-10K-race-302611940074237/
Bearbrook Hardwick X-Stream Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Hardwick6
Bearbrook Club Constitution and Other Policies https://www.bearbrookrunningclub.co.uk/page/view/club-constitution-and-other-policies
About Our Club
We are a growing club with over 100 members and are always pleased to welcome new runners of any ability. We have road runs, off road runs and intervals sessions, so there should be something to suit you. We pride ourselves on being open and welcoming to new members of all ages and abilities - from those that have never run before to experienced marathon runners. We run because we love running, want to stay fit and enjoy running with others.
A running club is a good place to learn and be motivated about running. We have had complete beginners who have started in our Run-Walk groups who now compete in Ironman events, which they said they'd never dreamed of doing but were inspired by the enthusiasm and encouragement of new friends in the club.
To see what we been up to recently check out our Gallery.
Our typical week of running sessions
Monday - Road group runs (meet at various locations within Aylesbury) - normally 3 groups ranging from 3m/5km in about 40 minutes to 6m/10km in 55 minutes
Tuesday - Interval session suitable for all abilities - Sections of running with rests in between, how fast and how much you do is up to you (meet Bedgrove)
Wednesday - Off road group runs (meet at various locations in countryside surrounding Aylesbury) - normally one or two groups running 5m/8km to 6m/10km in 60 to 70 minutes
Friday - Tempo session suitable for all abilities - how fast and how much you do is up to you (meet Buckingham Park - Summer or Watermead - Winter)
Sunday - Off road group runs (meet at various locations in countryside surrounding Aylesbury) - normally one or two groups running 7m/11km to 8m/13km in 70 to 90 minutes, sometimes there's an option of a walk for those who are injured but want to get out into the countryside
Benefits of joining our club
As well as keeping fit and training with other people, there are other benefits:We have several social events each year that give members a chance to relax, chat, compare tips while enjoying a bite to eat and something to drink. The most popular event being the annual presentation evening in January
Also, as a member of a registered club with English Athletics, you will receive a £2 discount from most of the races you enter in the UK.
We are also on Facebook with a lively discussion board, where members share ideas, organise trips and lifts to races, ask for advice and compare notes on anything Running or Triathlon related.
What next?
If you would like to come and meet us then bring your running kit to one of our running sessions (see our calendar for location/meet time details of upcoming runs). You can run with us a few times for free to see if you like us before making your decision on whether you would like to become a member. Alternatively you can contact us via email if you would like more information, click here to email us.
* Membership year is 1 April to 31 March.